Monday, December 22, 2014


UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA,NSUKKA ELECTION INTO STUDENTS UNION GOVERNMENT 2014/2015 ACADEMIC SESSION GUIDELINES: 1 Qualification: Those qualified to participate in the election exercise are undergraduates.regular students of the University who are registered as students for the past and current sessions.An off-campus student should show evidence that he/she is not occupying university hostel. 2 Elective posts: The elective posts of the students’ Union Government are as follows A. Students’ Union Executive Council (SUG) which consists of; i President ii Vice-president iii Secretary General iv Assistant Secretary General v Treasurer vi Financial Secretary vii Information Officer viii Welfare Officer ix Director of Socials x Director of transport B The Legislative Houses which consists of: The Senate : The senatorial districts are delimited in faculties. The number of senatorial seats allotted to each faculty which is based on equal representation from Nsukka and Enugu Campuses are as follows; NSUKKA CAMPUS; Faculty of Agriculture…………………………………………………………………..3 Faculty of Arts ………………………………………………………………………………3 Faculty of Biological Sciences ……………………………………………………….3 Faculty of Education ………………………………………………………………………3 Faculty of Engineering ……………………………………………………………… 3 Faculty of pharmaceutical Sciences …………………………………………… 3 Faculty of Physical Sciences ………………………………………………….........3 Faculty of the Social Sciences ……………………………………………………… 3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine …………………………………………………… 3 The elections into the senate will be conducted in the faculties .Only student in a particular faculty can vie for the available seats in that faculty. Candidates for senatorial seats shall be student who has spent at least one full academic year in the university. C The House of Representatives: The house of representatives constituencies are delimited into departments. The number of seat allotted to each department at Nsukka Campus will reflect its populations as follows: (a) Faculty Of Agriculture: Departnments Number of seats allotted (1) Agricultural Economics 2 (2) Agricultural Extension 1 (3) Animal Science 1 (4) Crop science 1 (5) Food Science & Technology 1 (6) Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics 1 (7) Soil Science 1 (b) Faculty of Arts Departments Number of seats allotted (8) Archeology and Tourism 1 (9) Theatre/Arts and film studies 1 (10) English and literally studies 2 (11) Fine & applied Arts 1 (12) History/international studies 1 (13) Foreign Languages and literature 1 (14) Igbo and other Nigerian Languages 1 (15) Mass Communication 1 (16) Music 1 (c ) Faculty of Biological Sciences Departments Number of seats allotted (17) Biochemistry 2 (18) Botany 1 (19) Microbiology 2 (20) Zoology 1 (21) Combined Biological Sciences 2 (d) Faculty of Biological Sciences Departments (22) Adult Education & Extra-mural studies 3 (23) Arts Education 1 (24) Science Education 1 (25) Education Foundations 1 (26) Social science education 1 (27) Health and physical Education 3 (28) Library and Information science 1 (29) Vocational Teacher Education 3 Faculty of Engineering Departments Number of seats allotted (30) Agricultural & Bio-resources Engineering 2 (31) Civil Engineering 2 (32) Electrical Engineering 3 (33) Electronic Engineering 3 (34) Mechanical Engineering 3 (35) Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 1 Faculty of Physical science Departments Number of seats allotted (36)Computer science 2 (37) Geology 1 (38) Mathematics 1 (39) Physics and astronomy 1 (40) Pure and industrial chemistry 2 (41) Statistics 1 (42) Combined physical sciences 2 Faculty of Social sciences Departments Number of seats allotted (43) Economics 3 (44) Geography 1 (45) Philosophy 1 (46) Political science 3 (47) Psychology 2 (48) Public administration and local government 3 (49) Religion 1 (50) Sociology and Anthropology 2 (51) Combined Social sciences 2 (52) Social work 2 ELECTORAL REGULATIONS a) All candidates for election into the branch union executive shall be nominated by at least 10 duly registered members of the union, two of whom shall come from the candidates’ faculty. c) i All candidates for election into the senate or house of representatives shall be nominated by at least four duly registered members of the union from the candidate’s district/constituency. Ii Any candidate for the senatorial or house of representative shall come from the faculty/department that constitutes his/her district or constituency. d) The period of campaigning for any election shall not exceed one week . e) There shall be a manifesto day when all the candidates for the various offices of the executive council shall present their manifestoes f) Expenditure by the candidates shall be kept at the barest minimum and shall involve only the production of hand bills, posters and manifestoes. The use of other campaign materials shall be cleared with the UNECO before use by a candidate g) There shall be no political party system. All elections shall be strictly on independent candidature h) A list of cleared candidates shall be made public on the date of the lifting of ban on electioneering campaigning of as soon as possible thereafter. i) All electioneering campaign shall stop immediately after the manifesto day j) Voting shall be by secret ballot k) Counting of votes shall commence immediately after the polling and the result shall be announced by the chairman of university of Nigeria Electoral commission(UNECO) immediately after the counting of votes. l) A candidate for an election to any office shall be deemed to have been duly elected into such an office. DISQUALIFICATION FROM STANDING FOR ELECTION/HOLDING UNION OFFICE No person shall be qualified for election or to hold union office; a) If he or she is a first year student or a student on industrial attachment/field trip or a final year student. b) Is on academic or disciplinary probation c) Is a member of UNECO judicial council or court of appeal of the unions d) Has a cumulative grade point of less than 3.5 in the session immediately preceding the session in which he/she is running for e) Is a member of any registered political party f) Has overstayed his/her stipulated number of years of graduation g) If he or she has held any elective post in the union like, the senate ,house of reps or the executive council of SUG. h) Has been convicted by a court of law for any office, other than a simple offence. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE,SENATE AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS IN JANUARY,2015 Monday 5th to 9th Jan.2015 9am-3.30pm daily Collection and submission of nomination forms for house of reps, senate and executive council position Monday 12th-Friday 16th Jan.2015 9am to 3.30pm daily Screening of candidates into house of reps, senate and executive council Monday 19th Jan 2014 2pm Publication of list of cleared candidates into house of reps, senate and executive council Tuesday 20th Jan,2o15 9am to 12pm Accreditation followed by election into house of reps and senate. counting of votes and announcement of results Wednesday 21st Jan,2015 12noon to 1pm Students and constants seated at the ekpo refectory. Manifesto for only SUG candidates Thursday 22nd Jan 9am to 12noon Accreditation followed by election into SUG executive council ,counting of votes and announcement of result. 9am to 3.30pm Filling of appeals